Saturday, May 9, 2020

Marxism Is Based On The Social Theories Of Karl Marx And...

Marxism is based on the social theories of Karl Marx and Friederich Engels and has evolved and adapted to take into account the way that society functions today. It states that social change is determined by the economy and describes the relationship and the conflict between the ruling class (the Bourgeoisie) and the working class (the Proletariat). Marxism describes how society is biased purely to benefit of the ruling class and examines the exploitation of the working class. There are lots of ways that Marxism can be used to understand 21st century Britain, however, this piece of writing does not allow us to explore all those examples. In this instance I have outlined how Marxism could be used to look at personal debt and education. In 2015 in Britain you can get a pay day loan with no credit checks but paying an extortionate interest rate of over 2000%. Why would anyone need a pay day loan? The proletariat (working class) in Britain have been brainwashed by the capitalist society to be consumers of goods that they don’t necessarily need. They think they need the latest I-Phone, the newest car or a bigger house. They have been made to believe that these status symbols will improve their status position in society and improve their quality of life. A lot of the working classes still cannot afford to own their own homes. Either these houses are not being built or the deposit or mortgage rates are too high for them to afford. Because of this they are forced either to

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